my work
Tarot Readings For Queer Girls - May 2024
Published in the DIVA Magazine
"The author of Fragile Animals talks all about the powerful connection between tarot and queerness" "We breeze into The Craft Pottery, Glasgow, and the queer girls are drinking strawberry tea. There’s a clay smell in the air and crocheted Miffy sits at the till, waving us into the evening. Craft’s a place that lets you paint mugs, plates, fairy cottages, […]
Under the Spell Tree - May 2024
Published in the Skinny
"There's magic in the everyday – from the joy & perseverance of queer communities to a tree in the nearby park. Author Genevieve Jagger explores local magic and shared secrets in Glasgow's Southside"
Inside The Coffin - May 2024
by Julia Fisher & Genevieve Jagger
Inside The Coffin is a new audio fiction podcast created by Witch Craft Magazine. Each episode, hosts, Genevieve Jagger and Julia Fisher, dig up old poems and stories from eight previous issues of Witch Craft Magazine and reanimate them for your listening pleasure.
Available on Spotify and Amazon Music
Fragile Animals - Apr 2024
By Genevieve Jagger
When an ex-catholic woman develops a sexual relationship with a vampire, she is forced to confront the memories that haunt her religious past.
Rebirth - Jun 2023
Published by Body Fluids Lit Mag (Issue 3)
Where did she get such an ugly piece of lingerie? ‘She was staring at his Tarantino poster.’ Trigger warning: misogyny, description of flesh textures read now >>> about body fluids "bodyfluids is the brainworm of Alice M (@notveryalice on twitter). to see lists of our editors and contributors check out the dropdown menu above. bodyfluids […]
Pulled Tooth - Feb 2023
Published by Body Fluids Lit Mag (Issue 2: Teeth)
'The sky is dark and thunderous. Lightning bites the fleshy meat of it, sculpting godlike mountains from the sulk of the clouds. Rain wages war upon the city, claiming all that is owed. City cats scream because they cannot be heard. Trainlines flood, shops shut early, lights flicker. Cars abandon roads. Mothers light candles. Children have nightmares. Dogs lose control. It’s the storm of the bear whose cub you shot dead. Curtains tug fearfully closed.'
Cockroach - Oct 2022
Published in Witch Craft Magazine (Issue 8: Erotica)
"The long awaited erotica issue has finally come. with poetry, fiction, and art by Genevieve Jagger, Lucia Gallipoli, Crystal Odelle, Aeon Ginsberg, Seann Weir, Victoria Mbabazi, Robert Warf, Astrid Bridgewood, Isaac Campos, Shane Kowalski, Travis Dahlke, Frankie BB, Kathryn Mayer, Kawai Shen, Michael Don, Selena Cotte, Max Restaino, Saga Savage, dagger, VOIDTHROAT, helga floros, Emily […]
Potato Neck - Mar 2022
Published by X-R-A-Y Lit Mag
Published by X-R-A-Y Lit Mag, March 2022 'She isn’t the most beautiful woman I have ever seen but I haven’t seen a woman in eight months or more and am turning, quickly, to dust. By haven’t seen a woman I mean haven’t seen Leanne, though either way it’s hot sand, glass and friction. It’s a […]
Journeys - May 2021
Published by Expat Press
'I’m riding the bus to the city centre because the post office has eaten my mail. Now it’s somewhere in the stomach of the big depot and I have to retrieve it because it’s important. A little USB stick, red and plasticated. Nudes I sent to my boyfriend in America that he is now sending back. He tried to say he lost it at first but I’m no fool. That stick has all my filthiest angles. There’s a photo of me and my ass is a melon. I called his house in the middle of the night for a week before he finally told me he’d ‘found it’ and sent it back to me. Easily done – I made the calls over lunch.'